The time we enjoy wasting, isn't wasted time...
Finally my photo album has arrived.

Erin & Ron FtW yo... FtW FtW Beth & Marsmell & Erin & Cara The whole crew, except me, I'm taking the pic. Marsmell & Ian & Cara & Ron & Erin

"Carpe Diem..."
The good 'ol Hole Boys The good 'ol Hole Boys Loungin' in the kitchen After some days/nights of partying, this room was a dirthole. Me and Ron in our prime I don't remember having this one taken, do you Steve? scavenging...

"One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain..." Bob Marley
Who the hell took this? Mikey, tryin' to put his mack on. What were you two talking about? Skep and Smelly watchin' JJ show off his tardiness. Bring da fuk on! GIRLS! That's all they're good for! ohhh!... Iiiieeeeee!!... SHIT! Hey there...

"The best kind of friends you can have, are the ones where you can sit on a porch saying nothing, then both get up and leave knowing you've just had the best conversation." Some guy
Jarfted? Loungin'... Lookin' a little pale there, Simon. Why is everybody always pickin' on me? Stevie in his prime. Timmy, lookin' as normal as ever. Yeeaah, who da man?

"Many people don't know what they have, 'til they lose it."
Kenny boy Um, I don't remember this one either... Mikey, lookin' like the Grim Reaper, looming over his prey. SKEPPY!! An average good hair day... Oooohh, sexy.

© Travis James Harvey Copyright 1999. All rights reserved.
Page me, I stole the idea from Stevie